T h e   B u g a l o o s ! ! !

"Sherlock Holmes" (1964-1968)
Episode: "The Boscombe Valley Mystery"
Featuring Caroline Ellis as "Patience"

Before she was a Bugaloo, our lovely Caroline "Joy" Ellis was featured in a Sherlock Holmes series that ran in the mid-late 1960s.

Towards the end of the series (in 1968), Caroline was in the episode, The Boscombe Valley Mystery ... where she played a gal named "Patience". Caroline's part in the episode is about a minute long, and she spends most of her screen time playing, dancing and spinning in the forest.

Hmmmm, now where have I seen *that* before??

I picked up a copy of the episode, so I took some screen grabs from Caroline's scenes.

There is also a short video clip ... though I have focused only on Caroline's parts, and edited out a bit of a gory scene.

"The Boscombe Valley Mystery"
(Featuring Caroline Ellis)

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"The Boscombe Valley Mystery"
(Video Clip Featuring Caroline Ellis)

If you would like a larger view of the video footage, click here.

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All Rights Reserved